
Weekend Recap: Hanging with the BoyZ

Weekend has come and is almost gone and before you know it, another one will be here. Thank God for weekends! Hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was very eventful. Friday after work, Mr. D. and I both arrived home, looked at each other and said, today feels like date night, so date night it was. It’s funny how our date nights just seems to happen randomly and fall into place even without planning it ahead. I guess the fact that we don’t eat out that often helps, so it doesn’t seem like we are having “date night” every night. Anyways we ended up going to Cheesecake Factory.  I haven’t been there in months and I like their food, so we ended up going there.

It’s an addiction. Even when we go out we both ordered dishes with rice, at least hubby ordered brown rice, me, not a chance.

After satisfying out taste buds, we went next  door to do some shopping. It’s hard to eat right next to the mall and not make it inside especially when you have me by your side.Hehe… All I can say is I was a very happy girl when we got home.

Saturday was spent with the boys. One of hubby’s friends invited us over, so our Saturday was spent in Jersey City/NYC. My initial thought was that we would go there, all the boys would talk their talk and I’ll just lay back and chill with my Ipad in hand; then maybe sometime in the evening we’ll go get something to eat. Well, my thoughts were far off from how the day actually went. When we arrived, I was in my heels of course, all ready to lounge and enjoy the weather while looking directly at the Statue of Liberty, but all that changed when one of them asked me if I have flats. I asked him why and he said for driving. I was confused as to why he was worried about me driving and beside hubby drove us there. Later, I found out he was talking about go-karts driving. Yea, had no idea we’ll be doing that, but thankfully I had a pair of flat in the car or else I would have been a spectator to the fun that was about to go down.

We headed for the indoor karting place to race and did I mention this would be my first time. I was a little nervous and the fact that I’ll be on the track with 9 guys all competing with each other did not ease the nervousness at all. We raced and I wasn’t surprised when they printed out the results and I was in 10th place. Lol! Yes, I happily accept that, otherwise they would have been pulling me out from under the barricades too. Yes, a guy got shoved under those things. When we were watching the video before getting on the track, they mentioned you could get stuck under the barricades, but in my mind it seemed impossible. Well, after it happened, it was very possible and scary. I was bumped into a couple of times and they were just pushing me back and forth to pass me. After the first encounter, I spent more time breaking and looking behind me to see if anyone is coming to get out of the way than actually driving the thing. I don’t know if it was the group I went with or the actual thing itself that was scary, but the next time I happen to be at a go kart race, I’ll be a spectator NOT a driver. Oh, did I mention those helmets are heavy and the most uncomfortable thing you can ever put on your head, definitely not a big fan of those. So, next time I think I’ll have more fun taking the pictures and cheering hubby on, than being in the race myself.

After the race we went to the 9/11 memorial. Everyone definitely took that time to appreciate life and the fact that everything you’ve ever known can end in a split second.

Nearly 3000 names of the victims of 9/11 and the 1993 attacks are inscribed around the two pools.
The south pool
Going to be the tallest building in the U.S
The North pool. The two pools represents the original location of the 2 towers.
This definitely took my breath away and not in a good way.

Finally, we made it to dinner. by then, every one was tired, hungry and cold. Those 3 things do not go well together. It didn’t help matters that they sat us by the open door at the restaurant, so the cold part remained for the rest of the evening. I have to say it was fun hanging out with the boys. I thought I was going to be doing my own thing, but it was the complete opposite. We spent some time just chatting and laughing our heads off at poorly made Nigerian movies at the end of the night. All in all, it was a good weekend.
How was your weekend? 

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