
Peach Perfect

The weather has been pretty good this week. Nice enough that I can sneak an ankle pant and open toe shoe in this season. I remember back in college, my friends used to tease me about wearing flats or open toe shoes in the winter. It was like my feet don’t get/feel the cold or I was just against the idea or covering up my feet. So, I was one of those wearing flats around after a blizzard. Not anymore though, I think I got over that.
I’ve been wearing some bright spring-ish  colors to work lately. I’ll say I’m more than ready for spring. My mind is ready, my closet is ready and my hair is more than ready. The hair you see in this pictures is no more. That’s another story I’ll have to fill you in on at a later time. For now, it’s looking like I’m over this winter season and ready for the next season.

Pant: H&M, Top: Limited, Blazer: Agaci, Necklace: F21, Bag: Asos, Shoes: Charlotte Russe

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  1. I hope the universe heard you… WE ARE LOOKING OVER THIS SEASON. I can not wait for the spring, more colors, more patterns, and less heavy coats! Love the peach pants, you've inspired me to wear my own!

  2. I actually don't mind winter, although I can do without it. Haha. Btw, I like the mix of prints in this look. The peach colored pants are lovely! Fab shoes!! πŸ™‚

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