Hope you enjoyed your long Labor day weekend.
Hubby was in town of course. Eliana and I couldn’t be more excited to have him around for 4 whole days. You could tell Eliana was really excited, there was less acting up and scorning her and she was more giggly, jumpy and all around excited having daddy around. I guess the fact that we spent those days together; no work, no daycare made her even more excited. We spent the weekend catching up, binge watching shows, eating and just enjoying each other company’s because that’s a treasure these days. We also made it to the movie theater with Eliana to watch War Room. The movie is definitely a must see, very powerful, it’s more than a movie. Eliana was well behaved, way better experience than the first time we took her to the movies with us.
Of course reality kicked in when we had to drop hubby off back at the airport and Tuesday rolled in.
Of course reality kicked in when we had to drop hubby off back at the airport and Tuesday rolled in.
Nonetheless, a great weekend.
Till next time. Have a great week!
Watch: Movado
great outfit as usual! loving the pink!
Thanks girl!