Quick, Easy, Tasty and Inexpensive Iced Coffee
Just as good as the one from Starbucks. I came across this recipe on All recipe a while ago. This drink has become my new best friend on days that I need a pick-me-up. Bottom line, if you love Iced Coffee, I promise you will love this. While I appreciate the effort that goes into the 8 or 12 hours cold brewed coffee, I don’t have it in me to do all that or have the space in my fridge to store gallons of coffee; so I’ll rather make them as I go. Save yourselves so many trips to Starbucks and try this today. I can not emphasize the quick, easy and cheap part enough; I’ll leave the tasty part for you to validate.
2 tsp Instant coffee
1-2 tsp sugar (based on preference for sweetness)
3 tbsp warm water
6 fluid ounces cold milk/half n half
1. In a sealable jar combine instant coffee, sugar and warm water
2. Cover jar and shake until it’s foamy
3. Pour into a glass filled with ice; fill glass with milk
Note: Add a hint of chocolate syrup to spice it up and crushed ice for better result.