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Outfit Post: Free Spirited

Hope you are all are having a wonderful long weekend. If you have great plans for the weekend, I hope you’re enjoying them and having fun. If you don’t have any plans, still hope you enjoy an extra day of resting. I don’t really have plans for this long weekend, apart from cleaning and sleeping; the rest is pretty much whatever. We ended up spending the better part of yesterday at Hubby’s mentor’s house for a get together dinner. That would be second time he and his wife have hosted us. I’m starting to feel like we need to return the favor and be the host next time around.

Actually, quite a few couples, mostly from church, have been wanting to have us over or come over to our place for a little gathering. Honestly, I don’t think I’m ready to host because our place is not where I want it to be yet, as far as putting some personal touches on it. Since we’ve been a one income family for a while, decorating has taken the back burner. But now that we’re a two income family and balancing out, I can splurge a little, get all the items I’ve bookmarked and have been sitting in my shopping carts or wish list for months.

Anyways, when we got there, I was surprised to see how much food they had prepared. You would think the whole neighborhood was coming. I actually thought there were more people invited, but it turned out it was just us and one of their neighbors. Since that was my second time there and they are really nice and free people, I wasn’t so shy anymore. That gave me the opportunity to eat till I almost went into a food coma. I’m pretty sure I tried every food item on the table and after all that eating, I could barely keep my eyes open.

For the outfit, I opted for something very casual and “free”. The title of this post sums up my feeling in this outfit. For some reason, I felt like I was free, playful and not so fancy; not sure if that makes any sense…lol. In this outfit, I felt like nothing could trouble or weigh me down; I was a free spirited woman. Not sure if that’s solely based on the outfit or if it was just the kind of day I was having. Either way, it felt good.

Top: H&M, Skirt and Necklace: F21, Bag: Target, Shoes: Aldo, Bangles: Local vendor

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