
Bold Stripes

Happy Monday Lovelies!
A weekend well spent makes for a happy Monday.
Hope you had a great weekend. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I actually had a weekend. That’s means, I finally got some me time, time with the hubs and Eliana, time to nap / rest and time to cook and complete my usual chores. Summer time Is usually busy with lots of activities going on and events to attend. So, lately we’ve been hoping from one event to the other. But, this weekend, we had nothing on the calendar so we had the weekend to ourselves. We even ventured out to the movie with Eliana. That was an experience! We only did this because Eliana is pretty pleasant and quite and it was around her nap time, so we figured she’ll sleep through it.  The beginning (about the first 15minutes into the movie) was a little rough, trying to get her to sleep, but once she fell asleep, we were golden. She made it through the 20 minutes preview quietly staring at the screen, but when the movie actually started, this little girl wanted to add her own two cents and laugh and play. Hubby had to take her out for  a bit. They eventually came back in and I was able to put her sleep; we enjoyed the rest of the movies in peace. Don’t know how likely it is that’s we’ll be doing that again. But it was definitely a different experience going to the movies with a 9 months old.

You know stripes and polka dots are my favorite. Let’s not forget I love a classic black and white look also. I built this outfit around the skirt. The bold stripes says a lot already, so I paired it with a basic black tank top , black clutch and a mirrored statement necklace. Deviating from an all black and white look, I added some color with an orange jacket and a burnt orange leopard print t-strip heels.
I hope you’re having a great day so far.
Make the rest fabulous.





Tank: Target
Skirt: F21
Jacket: Target
Clutch: Aldo
Watch: Movado
Necklace: The Limited
Shoes: VS

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