

Hi Loves!
Happy Friday!
I hope you’ve had a great week. Mine has been filled with highs and lows as I returned to work.
Although, I officially returned to work 6 weeks postpartum, I was able to work from home. I physically returned to the office on Wednesday and it has been a long week for me.  Between the emotional drain and guilt of leaving my baby and all the extra stuff that has to be done both the night before and the morning off, let’s just say it is not easy and I’m still finding footing.
I’m having withdrawal symptoms from my little buddy. I forgot how hard this part is, because being through it before doesn’t help at all. If anything,  I think it is harder on me this time than the first time with Eliana. I know it will get easier, so for now, I’m taking it one day at a time and glad the weekend is here!
Cheers to the weekend and have a great day!
Top: Zara
Pants: Zara (old)  
Coat: Zara (old)
Shoes: VS 
P.S: This all Zara ensemble wasn’t planned. Funny I just realized it while writing the post.

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