
S.O.P.P (Sausage.Onions.Potatoes.Peppers) w/ Recipe

Looking for a one-pot potatoes dish? Then this is the recipe for you. I
mentioned in a previous post that I don’t like eating sliced peppers,
tomatoes or onions in food, unless it’s cooked a certain way. Well, I’m
glad to say I can now add +1 to the list of food/ways I can stand to eat
pepper and onions.

I tried this recipe which I adapted from allrecipe previously and
it was just okay. It was my first time, so things were not quite
perfect. I overcooked the potatoes and it was just a few minutes away
from becoming mashed potatoes; the flavor wasn’t quite right either so I
ended up picking out some of the pepper and onions. This time around, I
think I’ve got it where I want it to be, texture and flavor checked. I
finished all my peppers and onions, even when I ran out of potatoes and
sausage on my plate, I went ahead and ate the peppers by itself. Knowing
me, that is a big accomplishment. Lol!

Here’s a potatoes recipe I’ll definitely urge you to try, it’s easy and quick. Prep and cook time is approximately 40 minutes. Do I need to mention that Mr. D. loves this dish as well. While cooking it, he walked to kitchen and said ” babe, whatever you’re cooking is going to be delicious because it smells so good.” I’m glad it didn’t disappoint because it tasted just as good as it smells.

6-7 medium potatoes
1 medium red bell pepper
1 medium green pepper
1 medium onion
2 gloves garlic
13oz smoked beef sausage
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt

Peel, dice in small cubes* and wash potatoes; drain potatoes with a
seize and set aside. Slice peppers, onions, sausage and mince garlic
On medium heat, heat oil in a large pan; add garlic then potatoes,
cover and let simmer, turning occasionally until potatoes are almost tender and a little brown, approx 10 min.
3. Stir in sausage, onions, pepper, oregano, paprika, black pepper, garlic powder and salt; mix well
4. Cover and let simmer for another 5 min or until onions and pepper are tender. Serve and enjoy!

* The smaller the potatoes cubes, the faster and easier they cook, but not too small either.

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