the beginning of something beautiful

Hello, hello, beautiful people! This is truly the beginning of something beautiful. While It has taken me a solid minute to arrive here, I am So happy to be back!
For so long, I remained stagnant, not knowing how to proceed or what to do with this blog, but ultimately knowing I wasn’t done with it. Granted, I had a lot, and I mean a lot, going on in my life over the last couple of years, and I’m still rising from it because that’s just the way life is. But I’m so happy to say I am finally taking the first, actually not first, but the next step of putting up a post. I have been working in the background the last couple of weeks doing technical behind-the-scenes stuff. I am so proud of myself for migrating my blog from blogger to WordPress by myself and re-designing the whole site. I initially thought I was going to have to pay someone to do that, but I guess I am not as rusty as I thought, and I still have some fire left in me to figure it out.
I have missed writing on here and connecting with you guys. At some point, I kept telling myself that my blogging days were over because I couldn’t blog or have an online presence the way it is being done by most people today. The thought of doing all that sucks the life out of the fun. But then, it dawned on me that I don’t have to. I can still do it my way. No one is forcing me to blend it.
I can adapt and accept change but on my own terms and at my own pace.
So with that. I hate to say I’m back again….. but I’m back. Lol. Back to basis. Starting from the ground up and moving at a pace that compliments my current lifestyle. I might be blogging like a novice, but I will be smiling from ear to ear as I do it. I am glad to have found my love for this space again and am already enjoying my time here.
So, we’ll pick up right where we left off and move forward. I was stagnant because I wanted something revolutionary to come out of this space when all I needed to do was keep going: crawl, walk, run, and whatever happens happens.
Check out the ABOUT page for a little intro to what I will be posting on the blog.
All my love