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Baby Boy Nursery

Hi Loves!
Today, I’m giving you a peek into baby boy’s room. Although not completely done yet, and honestly speaking, I am not sure if it will
ever be ‘completely’ done at this point. Nothing major left, just one or
two more little diy projects I’m working on that I’m not sure I will ever finish as their priority on my to-do list is low right now.

Anyways, I thought I’ll share with you the current state and if it evolves, maybe I’ll update it. So, given that we didn’t know the sex of the baby until he was delivered and my less is more / keep it simple concept, this is what I ended up with and I’m happy with it. I went with grey and white as the main colors and the neutral color on the walls plays in just fine. Would have loved to freshen up the walls with some colors/artwork, but didn’t want to risk it been gutted later if the need be (new house/warranty issue). Mixed in some patterns and textures to compliment the neutrals and added a few diy’s pieces to finish it off.
This mini-crib, yes you read right, mini-crib was what Eliana used till
she was two, so I didn’t see the point in buying a full size crib this
time around. Prior to purchasing it, I didn’t even know mini-crib exists
so I’m glad I found out about that option as it was a life saver at the time. We were still in our one
bedroom apartment in New Jersey when we had Eliana so there was
definitely no room for a full size crib but this worked just as good,
and I don’t miss not having a full size crib at all.
The poms and tassel garland and stars above the crib was a diy project made out knitting yarn and stars cut out of glitter card stock.
If you’ve been following Baby2 pregnancy on Instagram, you’re know I’m obsessed with stars when it comes to him. That was the main theme of his baby shower (Twinkle little star). During preparation for the shower,  I found this grey star print pillow, how perfect right! I just knew I had to carry the star theme along into the nursery as well.
The next little diy in the room is the animal photo wall. I thought that would be a great way to add some pop of color to the room. Bought the blank wooden pieces at Walmart, and with some paint, mod pod and print out in black and white, these came to life. Found the idea and how-to for this project on Pinterest.Thinking of adding more animals, maybe.
The last diy project is the wall hanging shelf. I bought the shelf which was original a distressed white and rustic brown color. I sanded and painted the whole shelf white removing the distressed/rustic look. I just love the idea of using an unconventional item in this way, to store the diapers and all the daily getting ready essential. I particularly like the hooks as I can pick out his daily outfit and hang them out. If it had been a girl, I was going to use it as the bow/headband holder.
The changing table was also used for Eliana. Again, another space constraint purchase so I needed something compact and multi functional and this foots the bill nicely, as storage, changing table and hamper. 
This armoire is also one we purchase when we had Eliana that we used as her closet at the time (we pretty much dumped Eliana’s old room in here with a few new things). It’s been with us ever since but I think it might be time to let it go or find a new location/use for it in the house, as it is not necessarily needed in this room. 
For now, it stays in baby boy’s room and on top is one of the gift from
the shower that I’m currently using as a decor piece. Since the
diaper used in making this are a bigger size, I’m leaving the art intact
for now. Although, I did remove the top layer which was made of blankets. 
On another note, I am surprised at how much we managed to fit into that one bedroom back in New Jersey.
Below I have linked exact or similar pieces of items in the room.

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