Thankful Thursday

Hi all! This Thankful Thursday post is really for last week. I didn’t get a chance to post it amidst all that was going on. So, better late than never and that makes my thankful list longer this week.

This Thursday, I’m thankful for

1. Great family and friends. Like I’ve mentioned a couple of times now and you’re probably tired of hearing/reading it, we clocked one year about two weeks ago and the feelings on that day was extraordinary from all the love and attention that we received from our dear families and friends. Thanks to everyone that reached out to us on the anniversary of our special day through your calls, texts, blog (here), Facebook, and voice messages. We truly appreciate your love and for remembering we say a  big thank you and may God remember you too.

2. For a 3day work week. Went from a 3day weekend (labor day) to a 3day work week (took Friday off) last week and that felt pretty good. Wish I could repeat that every week.

3. Miami get-away. Mr. D. and I haven’t been on a trip together for a long time. So, we took a trip to Miami for some few days and it was so much fun. From the moment we arrived to the moment we left, I had no care for anything but to enjoy the company of my husband and have a good time. Mission was accomplished.

4. Orange Juice. To say I have been craving orange juice will be an understatement. I’ve been drinking it like it’s water and if you know me, I drink a lot of water. At some point I had to caution myself not to drink too much, but then again I’m thinking it’s a craving, it will go away, so drink as much as you can!

5. Free lunch at work. This couldn’t have come at a better time. I usually take my lunch to work, but since I haven’t cooked in a while, my fridge is completely empty. This meant buying lunch at work, but before I can do that, I need money, cash specifically because they don’t take credit cards and it just so happens that I rarely carry cash, which means I had none. So, here I am in the middle of a very busy work week, lunch time arrives, no food from home, no cash to buy food either. I was just going to go to the cafe in good faith that they’ll allow me to pay later, only to get there and realize lunch is free for the day. It was the perfect ending.

6. For the gift of life. It feels like this year has gone by so fast, only three months left to go. Thankful I’m still here, some started the year with us but are no more today. Grateful for His grace!

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