Thankful Thursday
1. Life as I know it. If I were to describe my life to someone else, they’ll probably say I’m living the dream life. Shelter over my head, food on the table, clothes on my back, good health, physically capable, mentally sound, a wonderful and caring husband, a loving and supportive family, great friends…and so on. Even when I think I’m going through hard times, it’s nothing compared to what someone else might be going through because I still have all these things, people and much more. so, I’m thankful for the life that I know and I have by His grace.
2. For great friends. Friends are truly a priceless treasure. “Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing because a true friend is your best possession”. I truly believe in this quote and I’m glad that I have people in my life that I can call my true friends even if there’s only a head full of them and they are all so far far away. I know they are only a phone call away, or maybe a flight away. They are always there to cheer me up, listen to my yapping and offer their support.
3. For my followers, non-followers(those of you that read on a regular basis in the background) and every person that has clicked, read or commented on this blog. Thankful that you find this blog and what I have to say worthy of your time and I truly appreciate your support. Seeing that I wasn’t sure how this blog thing was going to unfold when I started, I’m elated to see where it’s at now and where it’s going. Even though I do this as a passion and hobby, I take it very seriously. I don’t believe in starting or doing anything if there isn’t a purpose to it. If I start to talk about what I see potentially happening through this blog and the things that have already happened, you would thing am crazy. Even if they are minor, it’s still a result of this blog. Honesty, I’m amazed by the number of traffic on here and seeing that it’s coming from all over the world. (Yes, I check my stats…Lol!). You really make my day every time you click, so keep clicking! And for all my background readers, come out of the shadow, I promise not to bite. π
Till next time…
What are you thankful for this Thursday?
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