
Pop of Color

 Hello lovelies! I’m starting to feel like I blog less and less these days. Should I even try to explain my long absence this time? Ok, maybe a little. In between the power going on/off which means no internet, I’m starting to feel like I’m back in Nigeria. Throw in a hectic work schedule and longer nights than days, making taking pictures almost impossible. Hubby takes most of my pictures after work, but that’s impossible now because by the time we get home it’s pitch black outside. We do some on weekends but the past few weekends we’ve been on completely different schedule. What these mostly means is that we are back to indoor/orange looking pictures. No worries, will sneak some outdoor ones in when time permits.
This Jacket is actually red, but it looks more orange than red in these pictures because of the lighting.
Anyways, I wore this to work on Friday. I love casual Fridays, it gives
me the opportunity to add a little funk into my outfits. This pant was my little funk
last week. Added the blazer to make it work appropriate and also add
some vibe with the color. In essence, causal Fridays for me are far from
Jeans and t-shirts and more fun, colorful and Bold. How do you do casual Fridays?

Blazer: H&M, Pants: Love, Belts: F21, Shoes: VS, Necklace: Limited

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  1. Everyday is casual Friday for me, because I am a student, I don't work yet…Lol. By the way, this outfit is lovely and super funky.

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