
Plaid and Yellow


Hi Loves! Happy New Month !
It’s hard to believe the first month is gone and February is here already. With the amount of activities we have packed into this month, I’m sure it will go by fast as well. Hope your week is going well. If you’re in the snow storm area, hope you’re staying warm and driving safely. I battled my way to work on Monday and left really early. But, I would not be doing that tomorrow. I’ll hopefully be working from my couch or bed, whichever is more pleasing 🙂
Enjoy today’s outfit post. Moving is upon us, so the days of you seeing me in this hallway or in front of a red brick wall, you know, that same background in almost all my pictures lol… is coming to an end.
Have a great rest of the week.


Top: F21, Pants: H&M, Jacket: F21, Shoes: VS

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  1. Been mixing colours lately. it's not so easy though because I'm not always sure?they actually match really, or should I say always nervous about matching them/ but I'm taking baby steps in that dept.
    as always, you look nice!
    My love to Eliana!

  2. I love colors. They can be playful or bold depending on how you style them. Baby step is good and trust your instinct.I do agree playing with colors can be a little challenging though
    thanks dear!

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