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Mixed Pattern: Stripes & Checkered

 Hi Beautiful people!
Hope you had a great, fun and relaxing weekend. I spent my weekend at the women’s conference organized by my church, furniture
shopping and trying to finish up some unfinished project. Mostly photo books that I’ve been working on for ages. Since we don’t actually print pictures anymore, I make photo books instead for all the special events and just a general snap shot of our life. I think they are more attractive, presentable and decorative. Now I just need to actually finish one before starting another.
On to the outfit. This skirt is the first and only actual maternity piece I’ve bought so far. When I saw it, I immediately knew how I would wear it. I got it some months ago and just had to wait for the little bump to set in before I could wear it the right way 🙂 Talking about stripes, I’m currently obsessing over them. I have to restrain myself from buying another clothing with the striped pattern. I just love how the black and white and the mixed pattern work well together in this outfit. I considered wearing a black belt instead but this orange piece won, adding just the right amount of color.
Have a great week ahead everyone and stay blessed.

Top: H&M, Belt: H&M, Skirt: Asos Maternity, Shoes: VS, Purse: Unknown 
 P.S: Thank you all for all the love, support and prayers you’ve shown and expressed in one way on the other to my family and this blog. I truly appreciate it. 

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  1. It's been a while since I've printed pictures.. It's so funny how the world 'evolves'. Haha 🙂

    Awww! I love this look on you! The mixing of prints is just lovely. Your growing belly looks on nice…especially with the position of the belt!

    Have a lovely week! 🙂

  2. The world has really moved on from printing pictures indeed, everything is electronic now. Very soon all we'll need to do is take a picture and the picture will sort itself out *sigh*. Nice outfit and that purse is tempting.

  3. Thanks love. Looks like that's the only position I'll be able to wear a belt for a long time 🙂

    Yea, it's definitely been more a while for me. Totally agree everything changes with time and for pictures just have to find the next best way to transform them to digital to hard copy.

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